Chatsworth, CA 91311
(818) 667-9039
Personal Safety Training in the New Year
Dec 29, 2024
2 min read
As we turn the page on 2024, and we look forward to the potential and promise of 2025, it is important to reflect on who we were in the previous year. What were the experiences and memories we cherished the most? Is there anything we would like to approach differently this year? What kinds of things do we want to achieve for ourselves, for our family, at school, or at work? In what ways can we better ourselves mentally, physically, spiritually, or emotionally? Each one of us will have unique answers to these questions, and each one of us may have different answers from year to year because of where we are in our lives. Life is a journey, we are always learning, and each step along the way will bring valuable experiences and memories that will enlighten us in our personal journeys.
My personal journey led me to establish Insight Personal Safety LLC to share the insights that have helped keep me, my family, my colleagues, my students, and my clients safe in our daily lives. It is our mission to provide the skills and strategies that can promote the personal safety of everyday people like you, in a way that is convenient and relatable. In our unique approach to training, we listen to your needs and concerns and build a personal safety curriculum around you. This is different from other programs that require you to learn techniques and tactics that may be at odds with who you are as a person.
We are all at different points in our lives, and if we believe that age and physical ability are obstacles to obtaining quality personal safety training, Insight Personal Safety LLC has safe and comfortable ways to learn relevant techniques and tactics that will work for you. If you believe that you will not fit in with other students or that you will require additional attention that is not available in a group setting, we focus on providing personal safety training in the comfort of your location. If you believe you do not have time due to work, family, or other responsibilities, we can discuss providing personal safety training at your location in a time frame that works for you.
In January of a new year, you will often see gyms filled with new members who recently enrolled in order to pursue their fitness goals. Unfortunately, by February of the same year, many of those new members will have left that gym due to a lack of time (often after signing a contract locking them in for a year or more), the inconvenience of traveling to the location, an inability to consistently access training, insufficient progress, and a generally intimidating training environment. At Insight Personal Safety LLC, we eliminate these obstacles to the development and progress of your personal safety by providing customized personal safety training in the comfort of your location, at your level, and at a time that works for you. We respect who you are, as well as the individual steps to get you where you need to be with quality personal safety training.
Insight Personal Safety LLC is here to support you in your own personal safety journey. Take that first step and contact us today.